All content (including photos, images, video, and text) on this website is copyrighted material and property of Countess in the Kitchen. This also includes but is not limited to downloadable media, ebooks, newsletters, and digital products created by Countess in the Kitchen and authors.

At any point where media is allowed by you/user to be downloaded, it is for personal and non-commercial use only. You also hereby agree that you are not allowed to alter, distribute, sell, or republish any of our products without the consent of Countess in the Kitchen.

Users do have permission to link to our website. Users also have consent to use a single photo, or paragraph from any post with mandatory credit and link back to the exact post where the photo and paragraph were taken from. The reposting of entire recipes, presenting content as your own, and/or not linking back is not permitted. 

The distribution of Countess in the Kitchen content as expressed above is and will be considered copyright infringement.

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